Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

bagaimana cara menggunakan komputer dgn baik

Usage Tips Eco-Friendly PC

Below are tips on proper use of computers:
Turn the computer off at night so that the computer is only used for 8 hours - to conserve energy use up to 810kWh per year and 67 percent usage.
Plug the computer into the surge protector with a master control outlet, so the system can automatically find out when the computer is not used to and then disconnect power to the computers and equipment.
Use the LCD monitor because it uses less energy and does not make the eyes work harder as the CRT.
Buy a computer with a feature Energy Star. For the record, the laptop also uses less energy than desktops.
Plan the use of computers so that all activities can be completed in one time, and turn off when no longer used.
Consider using a smaller monitor. 14-inch monitor uses 40 percent less energy than the 17-inch monitor.
Turn on standby mode / sleep and the regulation of energy use.
Forget the screen saver because it does not save energy unless you are still using older versions of monochrome monitors.
See re-draft the documents and emails on screen rather than printing them.
Turn off the monitor when not in use rather than using a screen saver.
Consider using an ink-jet printer - albeit more slowly than the use of laser printers, but inkjet uses 80-90 percent less energy.
Buy products from ink-based or non-oil plant - because the product is made from recycled sources, require less use of hazardous materials and produces a lighter color and clarity.
Turn off the printer and all other auxiliary devices when not in use.
Do not let the computer stays on at night or on weekends.
Choose a dark color as the background screen, because the bright color display uses more energy.
Reduce the level of room lighting using a computer at work.
Use the network and printer sharing when possible.
Print out the use of recycled paper. Use paper that does not use chlorine with 50 to 100 percent post-consumer waste.
Print on both sides of the paper.
Communication via email as an alternative to memo and fax.
In addition, there are also some perception leads to the myth about the use of a PC that can not be justified, or even from not true at all. An example is the widespread perception that does not turn off the computer at all.
Actually, a computer is generally designed to withstand 40,000 times the cycle on / off, and when used in normal computer then the computer can be aged from five to seven years. So that by turning off the computer, we not only reduce energy use, but also reduces heat stress (heat) on the computer.
The presumption is that by turning off and turning on the computer will use more energy than let the situation remain lit. But actually, the use of the energy used to boot up the CPU for much less than leaving the computer on more than three minutes.
There is also the assumption that the network connection will be disconnected when the computer is also not true low-power/sleep mode. Recent computer is designed so as not to have lost the connection or data even in the sleep mode. CPU is equipped with Wake on LAN (WOL) can be left in a state of sleep a night mode and you stay connected with internet connection, and receive the data sent to your address.
Perhaps there are many incorrect assumptions other in terms of the use of computer / PC is good and right. If there is among Edutechnolife friend who knows

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